Tuesday, July 31

Daniel back in Tz

Hi All. We are back! Sorry for not posting earlier, but settling back in has been harder/busier than we expected. Strangely enough, I think we had more culture shock coming back to Dodoma than we did either coming out here in the first place, or returning to the UK. Maybe because we were primed to expect culture shock and reverse culture shock, but not coming-back culture shock!
We had a good time in the UK, and saw lots of people. If you weren't in that category, we're really sorry - it was nothing personal! I think we probably returned to Tanzania more tired than we left, which wasn't really the idea. From what I hear this is fairly normal though - next time we'll try and combine it with a real 'holiday'!
One of the things that struck us back in the UK was how many people enjoy reading these witterings. This is encouraging and will help us persevere for another year! Sorry that our posts are not more regular - we seem to slowly slip back in the week.
Anyway, I'm sure there will be more to follow, but for now: things that were weird/striking coming back to the UK:
* how many cars there were - and how shiny and new they all were
* how busy everyone was, and how fast everything moved
* being able to drink (and wash our teeth with) tap water
* buying milk from a shop! (when you run out)
* how green everything was
* how tidy and clean everything was
* how much variety of food there is. We were kind of theoretically aware of this, but coming back to Tz has emphasised this practically.
Lots of people asked us how they can tell who is writing any particular post, so we'll try and make it more obvious from now on! [but as a rule of thumb, if the text is justified, it's me (Daniel), but if it's all messy round the edges :) it's Libby]


At 1:24 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

welcome back to Africa Simpins. It's nice to see you back on the internet/blogworld! Your readjustments to and from the UK freshen my own unease about returning to what was formerly known as 'home'. Ack!! Hope you are all well despite the transitions back to the land of poverty. Do you feel more at home in Tz now than before you left?

At 1:25 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

whoops. sorry about the spelling errors! egad. my english isnt as good as it used to be! :-)

At 9:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great trip back. It was good to see you all. Maybe you could have a little "Do Nothing" holiday soon. X Jane

At 9:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read Libby's comments from yesterday, this is a hard world. Thank God for Jesus there realy isn't any hope with out him is there! X Jane.

At 5:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys - sorry we didnt get together before you went back - but thank you very much for the lovely picture you left with Kate for us - it will remind us of you as you embrace all that He has for you there - He loves to reach out to the poor and needy and you are doing that in His name -Its a real blessing.Trust you will soon get back into the routine
Much love - Irwin and Rosalie


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