Saturday, August 11

Cucumbers and things (Libby)

A few pictures this time. Josh building a tower with videos, Caleb playing 'I'm a little robot', a water fight in the garden and for those who are interested Bethany's rash.

I was thinking today that it isn’t really normal (whatever that is) to go through as many cucumbers a week as we do. I buy at least 6 at a time and I do that 2 or 3 times as week. My children are obsessed with eating cucumber and Caleb can easily down a whole one in one sitting. I guess it’s a fairly healthy obsession but it can produce rather interesting results the other end!!!!

My Internet research has continued and I have concluded that Bethany has shingles. The nurse here agrees. Apparently shingles in children can be painless, fortunately, and Bethany isn’t really bothered by it. She’s been to school all week, so I guess if there is a chicken pox outbreak in a few weeks, I’ll know for sure. Good job it wasn’t life threatening because it took me a week to work it out!! The big down side to this type of research is that you find out about all the horrible skin conditions you could get but didn’t even know about.

I’m typing while I wait for a lump of pig to arrive. I’ve been putting it off because I hate chopping it up, but it will be a nice addition to our diet. We’ve been eating a bit more chicken lately, but one chicken hardly feeds the whole family, it’s like eating a plate of bones. Talking of which we went out for bones and chips on Wednesday which was a bank holiday. We ordered once; waited for about 45 minutes; ordered again (obviously we weren’t clear enough the first time, or they thought it was just a general conversation about chips rather than an actual order - we were the only customers and why else would we be there??). This time they said it would be 10 minutes!! One of the guys disappeared, probably to go to town to buy potatoes and there were some chickens in a cage near by, who were obviously awaiting their demise. Anyway 40 minutes later (we walked home in the middle to go to the toilet) stone cold chips with a side of piping hot chicken bones arrived. Oh well. At least the coke was OK, we didn’t get food poisoning and the kids want to know when we can go again. Weird how they obviously had a completely different experience to us - the rusty old seesaw and the old tyre swings were enough to lure them back again!!


At 8:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say that Caleb was dressed up as Larry the Cucumber in Biblical role - no arms!
He could have been a soldier with a helmet.

At 4:22 pm, Blogger Josh and Jocelyn R. Plett said...

i hear you about researching illness online. scary business. it's way better to be blissfully ignorant of all those diseases you could get. I've developed a 'i'll just wait a few weeks and see if it goes away on its own' reaction to anything health related and hope that whatever it is isnt life threatening. :-)


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