Friday, June 15

...after the silence...

It's been a while! Sorry to all of you who depend on a dose of our blog to get through the day :)

While we are in England, we are busy with working and schooling during the day, and are at home in the evenings - where we don't have a conventional Internet connection. This means finding a time to blog is rather difficult! However, I have just worked out that I can blog from my 'mobile device', so here is a post from bed :)

We are now just under two weeks from baby day. Everyone is very excited, combined with a reasonable dose of anxiety. Unfortunately our children's understanding of real life (and plenty of TV) is not particularly helpful in this situation - bedtime prayers regularly include the request that 'Mummy doesn't die in childbirth'! :( Your prayers along this line would be equally welcome...)

Anyway, probably should go and help with feeding the troops. Here are a few photos of our stay in England so far:

Or not. It seems that adding images on my mobile device is more of a problem. Hopefully I will find opportunity to add them at a later date...


At 2:06 pm, Anonymous caroline m said...

hi, excited for you both, and will pray toooo! xxxx look forward to seeing pics and hope homeschooling is not too arduous when you should be getting lots of about peer teaching, evaluation and all those shananigans! nature walks ..even in England, bit less exotic but lots of leaves to identify? thinking of you all and maybe cd meet up after term finishes xxx


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