Monday, February 28

Sweetness and light

As yesterday's blog, being a list of things that really get up my nose, was rather relentlessly negative, I thought I should balance things out somewhat today, and present the 'opposite' side. So here goes:

A list of things that really come out of my nose:
  • bogies
[sorry to lower the tone, I just couldn't resist!]


Libby seemed to cope well with her first day of "Oh help, I'm on my own with three kids". She managed to get to the shops with the double buggy, and the kids all behaved in exemplary fashion (almost). Obviously Joshua is only naughty when I'm around - I guess the attention-seeking hypothesis must be true. I'd better try harder.

His only naughtiness today was helping himself to two kitkats from the unpacked shopping. However, as he did this while doing an unprompted poo on his potty, he just about got away with it!

Libby also broke the 'post-caesarian rules', by carrying Bethany upstairs to bed, and lifting Joshua out of a box in which he had got himself stuck. [According to the leaflet, she shouldn't be doing these until 3 months!]

She also managed to cook tea (in time for my return home!) by holding Caleb in the sling - which she seems to have got the hang of. He slept the whole time!


Tomorrow I shall try to give you a proper 'good' list. I'm about to fall asleep now, so I'd betteeeeeeee nlkkkkkkkkkk[ ccfdjz'#pzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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