Tuesday, August 21

Currently...(again) Libby

Currently not enjoying:

* Caleb has broken out in chicken pox type spots today, so I guess Bethany did have shingles. Between Bethany and Caleb we’ll probably manage to infect a good percentage of the population here. Why are you at your most infectious before you realise you’re ill? It just makes me itchy thinking about it.

* The fact that there are loads more mosquitoes in our house at the moment and we don’t know why. Hence why I am typing this wearing a long sleeve top and jeans tucked into my socks - I can’t help it that I’m a style icon.

* That either cool weather, shingles and now chicken pox is keeping us from going to the pool.

Currently enjoying:

* Having no visitors on Thursdays. I tell the guard that I’m not seeing anyone and then shut the curtains and do my aerobics DVD. Made more challenging by Caleb sitting on my tummy whilst I’m doing sit ups.

* Having a new mosquito net that reaches the floor and has a door on each side of the bed. The old one was too small for the bed and we had to tuck it in. Very annoying when you have to get out of bed 300 times a night to sort out children (well it feels like 300 times)

Praying about:

*Street children project - the way ahead

*Church - again

* Kudra - The little street girl Kudra had an accident today. I’m really not sure what happened. I was told that she’d hurt her leg, but it turned out that it was nothing to do with her leg but she’d been unconscious for 3 hours for no apparent reason. I started to research this on the Internet but decided a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and we should try and find someone who knows what they are talking about rather than just has broadband Internet connection.

Currently working on projects:

* Helping Sarah improve her house ( I don’t mean update the kitchen or replace the carpet in the backroom, I mean put in windows, put down a floor, put up ceiling boards, put in electricity). How much do we help her? Do we do it just because we can? What about everybody else who would like a nice white person to improve their house?

Any advice? I would like to be able to sort out electricity because it’s not great for the children to study by kerosene lamp. If we help Sarah how much do we help Elizabeti? I have been agonising about this for weeks. I have all the figures to extend the house and improve the old one, but we still can’t make a decision.

* Buying all Sarah and Elizabeti’s children one decent set of clothes (via another guy whose clothes business I am trying to help).

* Writing a newsletter that is vaguely interesting to those who read the blog and doesn’t just repeat what they already know in colour print.

Currently watching:

* 24: Season 5 - Actually, we have 1 episode left and are looking forward to freedom from 24. It’s great to watch but addictive and takes over the evenings until we’ve finished watching it.

We all need our fix of Jack Bauer but is it plausible to make Seasons 6, 7 and 8??? How much stress can one guy take? Interestingly our most heated marital debate has been about 24. I like to read ahead the episode synopsis to better understand what is going on, and (horror of horrors) I sometimes look on the Internet to see what’s going to happen in the next series. To Daniel this is close to treason and reasonable grounds for divorce.

Currently reading:

* 'The Constant Princess' about Catherine of Arragon. I read all the books I brought back with me in about 2 weeks, so I am back to raiding the sources round here. They haven’t improved much - especially since our new neighbours are Swedish.

* The Little Orange Book - daily reading type thing for kids.

* Old Hat, New Hat - Caleb’s absolute favourite

Currently preferred food:

* Bit bored of food at the moment. Kind of wish they would open a McDonalds in Dodoma but I think the people here have enough problems without inflicting Big Macs and egg McMuffins on them.

Currently wishing for:

* More books to read

* A church to go to

* A medical degree/a good doctor


At 10:51 am, Blogger Josh and Jocelyn R. Plett said...

Yikes, I thought for a moment there I was going to accidentally read what happened in season 4 of 24. Thanks for not being those people who can't help but talk about what happens on a series on their blog. We are just starting season 4 so we have some fun ahead yet. We also have some friends, one of whom finds it too nerve wrecking to watch all of the episode so he finds himself in the kitchen now and then asking his wife what is going on, especially during the night episodes. Quite hilarious talking to him about this.

At 6:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em, I think I'm going to cry. Why do I always have to be the uncool da brain. I have never heard of 24! It's going to be too late for me to catch up with the rest of the world, isn't it. Season 5! Boo Hoo boo sniff blah! It's OK I Know Jesus loves me. I'm off to look it up on the web. X Jane.

At 6:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA!lol its michael here, poor mum! It must be illiegal not to know what 24 is! I'll educate her a bit hehe! Did you guys ever find that 24 code thing that kept appearing on T.V a code would flash quickly then you would have to go on the site, type in a code and enter your mob no. Jack bower would then txt you lol, telling you what sites to go in and type in secret codes, to reveal sum cool stuff! Quite exciting really, something to do on a rainy day anyway hehe.


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