Tuesday, October 30

Moving on and growing up..

Things are changing around here - time and age I guess!

* Caleb has recently started being (in the language of the house) a 'pants boy': This is in anticipation of him going to nursery when he turns three in February. We're not much more keen on this than we were with the other two - but at least we don't have carpets; anything he deposits dries up pretty quickly, and he can spend most of the day outside

* Joshua recently encountered the tooth fairy: and successfully converted his first tooth into 500 shillings. He is now a tooth short of a headful.

* Daniel learnt 'flexibility': this was as a result of the staff conference which I helped to organise. It was a considerable education to me, to have to bite my tongue when sessions over-ran (which they all did), and to relax enough to accept that it didn't matter. This is Tanzania after all :)

That's about it for changes - Bethany is still being a bit of a nightmare, a teenager already. We are a bit at our wits end. And Libby is still struggling with the monotony of child and house care. Please pray that she would find something fulfilling in what she does, or find something that is more fulfilling that she can fit in at the same time.

And apropos of not much (except my brothers' recent post) here are a few Graceland lyrics that love:

"Joseph's face was as, black as the night
And the pale yellow moon shone in his eyes.
His path was marked by the stars in the Southern hemisphere,
And he walked the length of his days under African skies.

This is the story of how we begin to remember,
This is the powerful pulsing of love in the veins,
And after the dream of falling and calling your name out
These are the roots of rhythm and the roots of rhythm remain".


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