Monday, August 8

still cute!

How cute is this!

Into the blog desert stepped a tiger....

We seem to have been away from blogland for so long I doubt anyone will ever read this - but you really should see this picture.

We have been taken over by the busyness of life with three children and my growing obsession with Morning Runner (Matt Greener's band for those who know Matt Greener) which goes from strength to strength - just entered the top 40!

Libby is now at the stage where the funny side of Bethan eludes her. Its not hard to see how - she really is a 'boundary-pusher', from first thing in the morning to last thing at night she fights (with us, Joshua, anybody). Even her loving of Caleb is hardly distinguishable from fighting. 'Robust', you might call her!

Anyway - better go for now, the Morning Runner messageboard calls....