Saturday, August 17

Two month's worth of blog at once...

We have been out of Kenya for the last month, so haven't had much time to blog (at least, that's our excuse and we're sticking to it!) So here is a quick catch up of some of the things that have been happening...

Ruben inspecting wheels at Dubai Airport

We went on a sculpture trail while we were visiting our old church in South Oxhey - the kids were highly entertained (see above and below). Incidentally, this was also Joshua and Caleb's first encounter with stinging nettles. Dock leaves were their new best friend...

We spent a few days in the Cotswolds with Libby's sister and her family. This is Caleb and his cousin Sophie

Ruben's first encounter with a ball pit, at the play barn near my parents - he enjoyed it, in case you can't tell from the picture...

Ruben's first encounter with the beach (unless you count 3 weeks old). He enjoyed that too...

Four on a swing at the local park

We don't seem to have that many photos of it, but the time away involved a lot of water (probably because it involved a lot of sun...). Here is Caleb enjoying the freedom of being allowed to swim in a river 

We took a day trip to London (dual purpose with changing our flight tickets).  This was the boys' favourite bit of the Natural History Museum (it's animatronic, although that's a bit difficult to tell from the photo)

Some kind friends of my brother's let us stay in their house while they were away - the quid pro quo being cat sitting their two cats. One of them appreciated the gifts we brought from Africa...

While we were in Switzerland we took the opportunity to meet up with our friends Ruben & Sarah from Tanzania. We met up with them at a zoo in Bern, where Ruben had his first encounter with a leopard...

...and renewed his acquaintance with my sunglasses...

...and we met their new baby Mäelle...

1st August was Swiss National Day, and we spent the evening with friends of my brother's who have a house overlooking Lake Geneva (a good vantage point to watch the millions of francs of fireworks). This is a panoramic view from their garden:

We also visited the Swiss Vapeur Parc (again). It seems that small trains are still interesting...

And of course, 30+ degrees meant staying out of the lake wasn't an option...

You may be wondering how we kept a 13 month old entertained during 2x 11+ hours of flying. The answer (amongst other things) was this...

Can you guess what it is yet? :)

...and just because it's cute...Ruben happy to be back home.