Monday, February 25

Security update

Well we have about a week left before the Kenyan elections, and our preparations are almost complete. From a personal perspective this means our store is stocked with (hopefully) enough provisions to last us for a week without having to leave the house; our cars are at least 3/4 full with petrol and our 'go bags' are ready to go (well, except mine - I still haven't quite found the time...)

As an aside, it is an interesting exercise (even if you only do it mentally) to pack a go bag. When we first started working on it, I thought it was going to be purely a quick, practical thing. But when you actually get into it, it is amazing how much it becomes emotional and even spiritual. If you had to leave your house and belongings with only what you could carry (maximum 20kg) - on the assumption that everything you left behind could be destroyed/stolen (but was insured) - what would you take? Although I haven't actually got round to doing it physically, from my mental preparations there's is very little I can think of that is worth burdening myself with. There are the obvious things that we have to have with us - passports, driving licences, vaccination certificates, some clothes - but then what? The kids have each included their 'treasures' (to the extent that we have let them and they are not replaceable), and we will take the obvious technology things that are portable and valuable (although with the exception of an external hard drive with 7+ years' worth of photos, even these are all insurable, so not really 'necessary)'. Although Libby accuses me of being a hoarder (and I can't really deny it!) it is interesting, and somewhat encouraging to find out how little I have in the way of 'earthly treasures'.

Of course, at the moment this is all slightly hypothetical - we will see how heavy my go bag is when I actually get round to packing it!

Anyway - back to the security situation. As MAF we have put in place a CMT (Crisis Management Team) to prepare for the election period - and we are almost ready with our full Security Plan. We are definitely working on the basis of 'plan for the worst, hope/pray for the best'. The election period is something of a moveable feast - althought elections take place on the 4th March, there is the potential for things to go on a a lot longer. Under the new constitution if there is not a winner with a clear 51% majority it must go to a second round a month later. As this week's opinion polls are showing both front-runners on about 45% this is looking an increasingly likely scenario. Unfortunately within this additional month Uhuru Kenyatta (one of the front runners) is due up before the ICC on charges of crimes against humanity arising from the post election violence after the 2007/8 elections. In addition the Kenyan Supreme Court is due to rule on whether he is actually eligible to run under the 'integrity' provisions of the new Constitution. Even if both of these do not affect things too much, any winner of the second round is likely to be contested in court - so the most likely scenario is that we won't have a new President before the end of April. Of course, if the elections are ruled 'not free and fair' then the whole thing gets reset and the whole thing could roll on until July...

And that's the simplified version!

Throughout the entire period the CMT will be having to make calls on whether it is safe to move around Nairobi, safe to go to work, and safe to continue operations. There is potential for significant disruption to our daily lives and to the work of MAF.

So in conclusion - please pray for Kenya, for MAF and for us! 

Saturday, February 16

Josh-annual review (by auntie Wendy)

What have you been up to since June?

I've been pretty busy with school which I really enjoy. I have a different teacher for every subject now, so it is quite like secondary school and we move from classroom to classroom. My mum also keeps me pretty busy with a list of jobs, feeding dogs, walking dogs, tying dogs up, drying up, feeding the baby, the list goes on. The others have jobs to do too but they are better at getting out of them. Still I am better at negotiating payment for services rendered!

Do you like to forward plan or live day to day?

I live life in contrast to my brother Caleb. He does plan a bit what he wants for his birthday but in all other areas of life he goes with what is stimulating and fun in the moment. I on the other hand prioritise planning. I plan what films I NEED to see, Star wars toys I want to buy, make lists of what I want to take on holiday and get my homework done quickly so I can have more free time. I even get my siblings’ lunches done the night before so that there is less rush in the morning. Part of this is my determination to be on time for school which you’d know is hard if you knew Caleb. I also earn money from it to buy things from my list.

What are your hobbies?

I am learning the drums, love building Lego, computer games and working through my list of films. I like having a project where I am constructing or creating something. I like activities where I am not in the spotlight. I don’t like too much attention. I leave that to my brother.  I take full responsibility for keeping my baby brother up to date and have introduced him to various apps!!

What time do you start the day?

As part of my planning strategy I wake mid- week at 5:30am. You can’t be too organised. I also jog with our dog Rhum. She is a fantastic dog and I love her very much. At the weekends I’m sometimes the last to get up.

What tips do you have for getting on with family members?

My main suggestion is to live life quietly, be considerate and not to argue. Fortunately for me Caleb teases my sister and not me. I just tease my mum. She is so easy to wind up especially about the lack of safety equipment on a school trip or that I’ve lost something.

Are you currently in a relationship?

How embarrassing, you can't ask a pre- teen that sort of question. Even if I was I wouldn't say, but I'm not. My mum says I can't even date until I am 25!!

What's next for 2013?

Well I am looking forward to going into year 7 and am working on persuading my dad to download MineCraft and other games. 

Swimming Gala

For those of you who couldn't be there!

This year we decided to have a different sort of party. By 8 we seem to have outgrown the traditional party games so it was time to to crank it up a notch. The party was based around the American show, 'Fear Factor'. (I haven't actually seen the show, but got the idea on line). Basically it involved 10 boys, racing around the garden and playing games involving slime, ice, smashing eggs and eating gross foods.

The birthday cake was a dirt cake in a bucket with worms on top!! (Don't e-mail me to say I forgot the question mark, I know!)

Sunday, February 3

Bethany: food and fashion first

What have you been up to since June?

School is busy. I mean, sorting out who said what to whom and why and who likes who and are we speaking to her, can wear a girl out. Once you have it figured out for one day it all changes again the next. I've tried to explain it all to my mum, but I am pretty sure she is not always listening. Self styling is also fairly time consuming. Mum says she doesn't appreciate all the wardrobe changes as it adds to the washing. I feel style is more important than such practical matters.

Do you have any fashion tips?

Fashion is really important to me. It's vital to make sure outfits really work and are fully accessorised. My mother is quite disappointing in this area and it is a struggle to get her out of those baby stained clothes. I mean she could put in a little bit of effort. Once in a while I manage to persuade her to brush her hair, but a dress? Forget it. For myself, I love leggings and boots. You can never have enough pairs of shoes or jewellery. I would use more make-up, but my mother says I am not old enough yet. Mothers!!!

Are you in a relationship?

Having a boyfriend will  be a difficult process for me. My mum has told me there will be an approval panel of my 3 brothers and my dad before I can see anyone. That is something I am happy to put off until much later on. For one thing, it is much more fun to wind my brothers up about their love interests. At least I am learning a lot about boys - they're sooooooo annoying!!!

Do you have any health tips?

I keep resolving to be really healthy, but it is sooooooo hard. I do love sweets and anything with sugar in it. I have my dad's sweet tooth. It's hard to fight genetics. Food was meant to be plain and simple. Now why would you bother with sauce when you can eat plain rice and spaghetti. The rule in our house is supposed to be that you can only have 3 things you don't like. I find it hard to stick to that. Dad says that 'anything vaguely spicy', almost all meat, and quiche is more than 3 things - and way too fussy.

Do you exercise?

I do try and exercise, but the resolve fairly quickly wears off. To be honest I am not a big fan of PE and games at school. Fairly often I try and talk my mum into writing me a sick note.Some people are just so obsessed with sport. I could maybe be persuaded to participate more if there was a better outfit.

What are your plans for 2013?

Planning my wardrobe for 2014 - you can never be too organised. And trying to persuade my mum to buy me more clothes. Fortunately I do keep growing, which is a great excuse to get more outfits. Although, negotiating with my dad what is and isn't an appropriate outfit can be a trial!!!!