Tuesday, May 29

(almost) currently

Not very inspired for blog writing as you might have noticed, so have decided to do another currently one because it always gives me ideas.

Currently enjoying:
The fact that it is technically winter, only 30 degrees C means we can go to the pool and enjoy it by ourselves because it’s too cold for everyone else. We went swimming this afternoon, and I have to admit it was freezing, but the four of us had a lot of fun all holding hands in a row and then jumping in together. (That’s me (Libby), and the kids).

The 4-day mini break for the children from school: They have a ten-week term, so they have a long weekend off in the middle. Some people have gone away, but as you have to drive 5, 7 or even 9 hours to get anywhere, we thought we’d stay put as we’re coming back to the UK in only 3 weeks.

Teaching Josh the countries of the world on the globe. He is learning his countries according to TV characters and people he knows and the different places Blue Peter reports on!! Not a technique I’ve used before but it seems to be working.

The fact that Caleb is best friends with the guard and spends hours each day wondering around after him and ‘helping’ him. I can even go into town and leave him quite happily.

Currently not enjoying:
The fact that the cockroaches seem to be multiplying in the kitchen. I should probably do something about that. I can tell I’ve been here a while now, because they’re actually not bothering me that much. Even the two inch long black grasshopper I found by the washing machine didn’t even make me flinch. I guess you can get used to anything.

Our children feuding with next door’s children. Well actually it’s been a bit better this week, so thanks for anyone who’s praying.

Currently reading:
Heidi - Joshua and Bethany (or rather, I’m reading it to them)
The Right Attitude to Rain (Alexander McCall Smith) - Libby
One Night with the King, (Tommy Tenney) – Daniel (pending)

Currently watching:
The Gospel According to Matthew - D&L
Recordings of English Kids’ TV - we definitely will have to record some more when we’re back, because I’m so fed up of watching Blue Peter in Cambodia again and again. The kids love watching Matt Baker (Blue Peter) eating deep fried Tarantula.

Currently working on:
Making a short video to show people when we come back to the UK. It’s quite fun, but lets just say we’re glad we’re not making a blockbuster because it’s taking hours to produce even a few minutes of (hopefully) good footage.

Currently preferred food:
A very exciting week in Dodoma food wise. For the first time ever, small pot fruit yoghurts have arrived, along with Mozzarella cheese and cream cheese. Normally we make yoghurt and if we can be bothered, cream cheese, so they seem like really luxuries. Even more exciting is that another MAF family who are in Dar this weekend are bringing back mince and (wait for it) Broccoli for us - will the excitement never end!

Currently wishing for:
A good nights sleep (still)

A good haircut, nice chocolate, hair conditioner, face cream, new mascara, blue cheese, ground almonds, meat, nice plump chickens, pears, grapes, broccoli, cauliflower, take-away shops, shops in general, some new books and different DVDs to watch, the Cinema, etc.. etc… - Oh well, not long to go now

Currently praying about:
The feuding with next door (the children, that is).

Monday, May 21

The nicest E-mail ever...

Things are plodding along here as fairly normal, so here's an e-mail (one of those 'round-robin' ones) that we received today:


* for the wife who says it's hot dogs tonight, because she is home with me, and not out with someone else.

*For the husband who is on the sofa being a couch potato,because he is home with me and not out at the bars.

*For the teenager who is complaining about doing dishes because it means she is at home, not on the streets.

* For the taxes I pay because it means I am employed.

* For the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends.

* For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.

* For my shadow that watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine

* For a lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning,and gutters that need fixing because it means I have a home

* For all the complaining I hear about the government because it means we have freedom of speech.

* For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking and I have been blessed with transportation

* For my huge heating bill because it means I am warm.

* For the lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means I can hear.

* For the pile of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes to wear.

* For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been capable of working hard.

* For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means I am alive.

And finally, for too much e-mail - because it means I have friends who are thinking of me.

Monday, May 14


According to the internet it is now, at 7pm in the evening, 29 degrees and I am absolutely freezing. I’ve put a long sleeve top on over my t-shirt and am contemplating socks. Yesterday I got all the duvets back out. Winter has arrived. How am I going to survive when I arrive in the UK in the summer?? Having got used to the warmer weather and the usual attire that involves, the children find wearing socks and jackets somewhat of a novelty. Josh is quite pleased to be able to wear his jacket to catch the bus and they all wanted to wear their socks in bed.

It’s been a tiring week, Caleb has slept very badly and Daniel is allergic to something in our room, hopefully not me. Turf wars have broken out with next doors girls, and Bethany is stuggling to get used to the fact that she is no longer queen bee. Without parental intervention fights keep breaking out which is emotionally exhausting. On the one hand you want to believe your own children, but at the same time you don’t want to delude yourself that they are little angels that can do no wrong, when they certainly aren’t. Being a parent is a complete mindfield. You just get to grips with one area when another problem pops up somewhere else. And you never stop feeling guilty about one thing or another.

I’ve started to cycle Bethany to school once a week. I’ve borrowed my other neighbour's (who is currently in Holland) bike , which has a seat on the back and the front. It was quite fun and the children enjoyed it, although by the time I got to school I decided the route reminded me of a computer game - involving: potholes; windy section by the runway where you almost get blown off your bike; main section through town, narrowly avoiding collision with Dala Dalas (minibuses) [Actually I think the main street in Dodoma would be an ideal candidate for the hazard awareness test in the UK driving test]; uphill over the railway; smooth tarmac section; huge potholed untarmaced road, and finally soft sand.
I am happy :)
I have just got myself an electric piano from a family who are returning to Germany in the near future. After surviving with only a very 'keyboard-ey' keyboard for the last year, this is like a lifejacket to a drowning man (or some similar cliche). It feels like a real piano! (almost).
I'm sure some of you understand what I'm getting exicted about. I've just spent the last hour or so rediscovering that I can actually play the piano - I'm just not very good at playing the keyboard. Comforting, after all those year's of practice (a while back now :)) to know that is wasn't all wasted.
H'anyway. We are counting down to our first 'home assignment'. Our provisional timetable looks something like this:
18/19th June - Drive to Dar/Fly back to the UK
20th Dentist
21st Doctor/vaccinations
23rd Simkins Family reunion (Evesham)
24th Sharing at Whiteknights Church, Reading
6th July Drive to Sheffield
7th Libby's sister Rachel's hen party (Sheffield)
8th Sharing at South Oxhey Baptist Church (Watford)
11th (evening) 'Open House' at the Blackburn's in Reading (time/format TBC)
13th Drive to Sheffield
14th Libby's sister Rachel's wedding (Sheffield)
15th Drive back to Reading
16th Daniel to visit MAF Operations Centre in Ashford (?)
17th Shopping
18th Packing
19th/20th Fly to Dar
20th Drive back to Dodoma
21st Sleep......
Something like that anyway! We hope to get some resting and recuperating in as well!

Monday, May 7

Post about post

Today we received a plethora of parcels - don't really know why, but it's nice when it happens. One of them was our Christmas parcel from my Aunt in Canada - which she had sent on 14 September last year. Plenty of time you'd have thought! But I reckon if she raced around Moosejaw today and got a parcel in the post tomorrow, it would still only just squeak into 2007!

'Slow but sure', is probably the term. Hopefully the picture below should be our kids enjoying their unexpected Christmas presents.


I went on a MAF medical and evangelistic safari on Saturday. I won't say too much here, so as not to steal my own thunder when we do our presentation in the UK, but it was 'interesting'. Suffice it to say that I'm glad I'm a Finance Manager and not a pilot. All the sitting around waiting would drive me insane I think!

Here's a picture, just for evidence: