Sunday, April 14


We had a great day out in Naivasha, (with Rachel Marks)  looking at animals, collecting bones and Obsidian rock. We had lunch at Elsamere a lovely spot overlooking lake Naivasha. Unfortunately during our walk we came across a pit of dead animals. There has been so little rain they had just died of starvation!


As Ruben and I were awake so early this morning (5:30am again!), I thought i'd post a few photos of the last few weeks. The first one is Nairobi giraffe centre, the second two at a local cafe and the last one Caleb's head inside a hippo skull!

Saturday, April 13

Quick update...

Sorry it's been so long :( We have not disappeared in a tide of political rioting :)

In the event, as you may have gathered from the media, everything has been mostly smooth and peaceful. I think it is probably God's timing that the whole process - the technical problems delaying the announcement of the results; the delay on the day of  the declaration; the petition against the result; and the statutory time period before the Supreme Court ruled that the result was valid. All these meant that things were spread out over time, and didn't give any sudden trigger points for violence to occur.

We are all very glad that things went smoothly, and have unpacked our 'go bags' (those of us who got round to packing them in the first place!), and are starting to eat through our emergency stocks and spend our emergency funds!

Otherwise things carry on as normal. The kids are still off school (which means less driving, but more 'kids at home' - not sure if that is easier or harder...). Our friend Rachel has been staying for two weeks, so those of us who are not at work have been seeing a bit more of Nairobi than usual. On Easter Monday we all drove up to Lake Naivasha, which was nice but exhausting. We will try and upload a few photos at some point.

The kid are all doing well, although Ruben is still finding that feeding makes a night go much more smoothly - doesn't help our sleep though, so we are mostly 'running on fumes' - part of the reason that its been a bit quiet on the blog front. Just the basics take up most of our time and energy!

Anyway, when the kids are back at school and we are back in our normal routine, hopefully we will post more.

Thanks for your patience!