Wednesday, December 8

Our very own Weaver bird!

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Tuesday, December 7

The Cast

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Mtoto Mfalme


Today we went to see Caleb's Christmas production. It was only years 1 and 2, but even Daniel was impressed. For interested grandparents Daniel recorded it all.
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Thursday, December 2

Different worlds

Bethany doing swimming training this week in an outdoor unheated pool and the UK this week. Which would you choose? Why is it that when you are hot you can not imagine being cold and vice versa?

We will be travelling quite a bit whilst we are in the UK, but, due to the weather, maybe not as much as we had planned. If you would like to know where we will be and when and would like to try and meet up with us, please e-mail us. Our e-mail is on the last prayer letter.

Wednesday, December 1


It's a beautiful 28 degrees C. here, bright sunshine and light until 7pm. Going to the UK for Christmas seemed like a nice idea, theoretically. What was I thinking!! Christmas never feels like Christmas to me in hot weather so I wanted a cold Christmas. Now it is getting closer and I have seen the temperatures in the UK I am wondering whether a hot Christmas is nicer after all. Time will tell. The last winter I experienced was 2005/2006. Joshua was 4, Bethany 3 and Caleb 1. They have no memory of cold and are really looking forward to it. They think cold is when it is 24 degrees C. early in the morning on the way to school when they put on fleeces!

I certainly won't miss Nairobi traffic for a few weeks. I've decided Nairobi junctions are a bit like running the gauntlet. You have to watch for that perfect moment when there is a split second of a gap that you can get through and you aren't going to hit the traffic coming in the other 3 directions. On Monday Joshua announced that he needed a gum shield and shin pads for Hockey the next day so I decided to brave the rush hour traffic and buy them. Bad idea. Buying them was not a problem but the return journey a nightmare. Imagine a junction feeding onto a major road, no roundabout or traffic lights. Everybody goes at the same time and everybody behind follows. Eventually the result is a huge tangled mess of cars where no one can move. Joshua and I revised for his French test whilst we waited for everything to be untangled by some guys who decided to get out of their cars and act as traffic police. It is strange that I am worried about driving in the UK!