Friday, November 15

Answer to prayer

I am happy to report that as of 8.30 this morning (Kenyan time) we have permission to enter Australia. We have been granted permanent residency, for 5 years (go figure...)

Thanks for all of you who have been praying. We are taking this as something of a miracle, as we were led to believe it would be another month, and according to the Immigration targets it should have been another 6 weeks.

Saturday, November 9

Bethany's birthday and the MAF BBQ

Bethany took her cake to the monthly MAF BBQ as she wasn't having a party.

Sunday, November 3


We have, in the last week, finally completed the medical processes for our Australian visas. It took 4 trips to the other side of Nairobi (probably a 30-40km round trip each time) to satisfy all the various requirements.

All the results should now have been submitted to Immigration, and as far as we know, we have done everything we need to do, and it is now just a case of waiting for an answer.

We would be very grateful for your prayers that this answer would come soon, as we are in hiatus mode until it does, as we cannot make any further arrangements for leaving, flights or shipping our stuff until the visa comes through.

Saturday, November 2

Anyone fancy a new car...

We are hoping to travel light to Australia, and so are selling of most of our replaceable goods and chattels. If anyone can afford the postage, we have a good family car going cheap (or not so much!)