Sunday, September 26

You know you want one...

[Guys only]

This is obviously a symptom of everything that is wrong with the world, and besides - who can actually afford one of these...?

But still, you know you want one :)

Tuesday, September 21


How many children can you get on a camel? Just to proove that Bethany was there.
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A better view of the camel.
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Again fun, but looks like it was built in colonial times.
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Fun rides


Fun, but slightly dodgy looking!
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Camel riding

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Dancing with Masai

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Ladies retreat


I went on a MAF ladies retreat this weekend. The next few photos show what the others did in my absence. Caleb was not bothered in the slightest about me being away, Bethany and Joshua were more bothered and Bethany said that she didn't cope very well when mummy was away and please could I not go away again. Still they did have some fun! The effects of the retreat are wearing off rapidly as I got stuck in a major traffic jam this morning and the children were nearly late for school. Where do all these cars come from? What really annoys me is the cars that can't be bothered to wait and so drive on the pavement or on the wrong side of the road to get to the front of the queue and then expect to be let in.

For those of you who want to hear what Daniel is up to, I have no idea. He does something everyday at the office and seems to be enjoying it. Next week he is off on a trip to Sudan, so maybe he will blog after that.
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Thursday, September 16

Go Girl!

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Someone needs to learn to tie their laces!
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Interhouse cross country


Today was the very serious business of inter house cross country. My children are in Ndovu, (blue team). The guy on the left is the headmaster, Mr Weber. I was impressed by the organisation, the nice marquee set up for the parents, combined with the free refreshments. Not Bethany or Joshua's favourite thing (well who does like it, Caleb was too small), but they both came in the middle somewhere, so it was a successful and happy afternoon.
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Tuesday, September 14

Happy Birthday


Unfortunately for Joshua I was sick all last week so did not have the energy to organise a party. Still I just about managed to make a cake and I think he had a nice day anyway.
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The food monster

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We have an inherited a guniea pig from a family who are away for a year. The boys especially love it. Not sure how much it loves them!
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Sitting in traffic on the way to school. I will try and get some better pictures of the junctions.
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The children seem to be enjoying school. It is a long day from 8am until 3:30pm, but they seem to be coping well. Caleb says it is fantastic and is having a great time. This is partly due to the fact that he has managed to have school dinners everyday so far, even though he is not supposed to. He did it for two days until I caught on and then we had a chat. "But I like them Mummy"! I went to talk to his teacher to explain that he wasn't actually supposed to have school dinners. However, they continued because as his teacher said "he asked me so nicely". I will keep trying! We will probably get a huge bill at the end of term. Caleb has also signed up for rolling blading at lunch times and does some sport or swimming everyday so he is having a great time. The other two are doing OK too and are making friends and settling in well.

Being able to go to the doctor. Caleb had a strange rash last week and it wash great just to be able to go to the doctor's on the way to school.

Not enjoying:

The Nairobi traffic, but it is something we will have to get used to. It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour to drive to school depending on traffic. The way to school is generally quite clear, the problem comes from all the traffic coming the other way deciding to use our lane. So the 2 land road becomes a 5 lane road. Also the junctions are a bit of a challenge. You have to be quite aggressive to get across because it is really a free for all. Daniel's rule is just keep moving slowly. If you stop at all you are just taken advantage of. It is much better on the days the police are there. They seem to be quite good at keeping things flowing. The other challenge is the school car park. The first day it was absolute bedlam and it took half an hour to get out. It was almost enough to make me want to put them in another school. However, the next day, I had an answer to prayer, I found another car park, which is much better, although you have to walk a little bit to get to it. Over all each day is getting a little bit easier, although I didn't expect to feel so tired and it be such a challenge just getting the children to and from school.

Currently watching:

Nothing really. We have nothing to watch, which is a dire state of affairs. Daniel and I are still in negotiations as to whether or not we can get satellite. I would just like to be able to watch the news and get some children's TV. I have been reading the news on the Internet for over 4 years and it is not the same. We will see.

As Joshua had his birthday on Saturday he is now set up with lots of new DVDs and a series about Robin Hood. However, there isn't much time on school days for much watching, so it is mainly weekends.

Currently reading:

Again I am scrounging from my neighbours for books. At least being on a mainly English speaking compound widens the scope. I was wondering about buying a kindle, but although that would help with the book supply I am not sure if it is really a cheap option.

Currently working on projects:

Sewing curtains for the house. I was going well with this, but then got a bit bored and stopped. Still I did the main ones.

Currently wishing for:

To live near enough to school to be able to walk. If you do, appreciate it next time you go to school.

Currently praying for:

Whether to have a house worker or not. Not sure whether or not I want to take on another family and their problems yet. I feel emotionally exhausted from Tanzania and all we left behind there.

Safety on the roads. Actually I have never prayed so much when driving!
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