Monday, March 27

Back in action!

Hello all - old viewers and new alike. In advance of our adventures, the blog is being resurrected - with a new look (when we can decide on one!)

To those of you who aren't up to speed with our plans, the application process referred to in my December post was successful, and we are off to Tanzania (not Kenya!) in exactly one month's time. We have sold our house (subject to contract, of course) and are slowly packing up our belongings, and buying all the paraphenalia needed to settle a Western family with three small children in the middle of Africa.

We have all been suitably immunised (except Caleb who has a combined hepatitis, and a meningitis ACWY to go - once he's stopped puking all over the carpet), and started our anti-malarials yesterday. Please pray against any nasty side-effects, as these are fairly common - usually not as bad as malaria though!

We are aiming to post entries here at least once a week (seems a bit more of a manageable target!) so keep checking back - hopefully we should soon have some interesting photos!

[Lots of you (probably) are already on our 'supporter' mailing list. If you're not and would like to be, please leave a 'comment' with your details.]