Saturday, July 16

Flora and fauna (II)

As promised, here is the second instalment. Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures; living creatures tend not to be as accommodating as flowers when it comes to portraits :). You may well need to click to get the larger picture...

This one is cheating slightly :)

The human is standing there to give an impression of the magnitude of the beast...

We will be on holiday for the next 3-4 weeks, and will be moving immediately upon our return, so there may well be a dearth of blog posts. We hope you will cope :)

Sunday, July 10

Flora and fauna (I)

This post has been pending for some time, and is we are shortly to move to a new house it seems like a good time.

Although our garden here is only a 'postage stamp' there is a surprising variety of both flowers and birds/animals.

Here are some of the flowers:

And my personal favourite for weirdness...