Sunday, June 23

One Year Old (or where did THAT year go?!)

It's hard to believe that Ruben is one already - yesterday was his birthday. We were planning not to do anything particularly, but Libby felt guilty so he did get some presents from a yard sale, and his first chocolate cake. Still cute!

Sorry (again) that our blogging has been a bit sparse. Life with a baby +3 leaves little time for leisure - especially with the Nairobi traffic. There is a lot of road building going on at the moment - which in the long term will hopefully be helpful, but in the short term is rather painful :(  There is one particular stretch of road near us that is currently closed, which is leading to a lot of bottle necks just up the road (in the direction that Libby does the school run). Last weekend Caleb was playing at a friends house, and I went to pick him up at 7pm. Given that this was the route:

which is about 1km, the fact that it took an hour to do the pickup was rather wearing.

We are also busy preparing for our trip back to the UK in a couple of weeks. Everything takes a load longer with a baby on board. We are also very excited (ha, ha) about 12 hours in an aeroplane with a 1 year-old who loves to be mobile...

Not complaining, just explaining :)

On the Australia front, we are waiting for MAF to get the final go ahead on their part of the visa process (which should be this week) and then we can press on with submitting our bit.

Hopefully we will have a bit of time to blog again when we are in the UK - although we are not sure how restful it will be! I have just calculated that in the month between leaving Nairobi and returning, I will sleep in 8 different beds, with 14 different bed changes...I think it will be a relief to get back in the sleep in the same bed for a few months before our next trip! (Except my whistle stop trip to the UK in October for my sister's wedding...)