Friday, October 21

What MAF Kenya is doing at the moment...

Those of you who see the news will know that the famine in Somalia is causing a huge displacement of refugees into the North of Kenya. MAF has been much in demand to assist with transporting aid workers to and from Dadaab and the surrounding areas. MAF South Africa have 'lent' us a plane and several pilots (in rotation) to help us meet the demands.

MAF South Africa (and this is the point...) have put together a video made up of some of the photos that the pilots have taken.

You can (hopefully) view it here.

MAF Kenya is still very busy with our other 'normal' flying - much of it in South Sudan - so we are all kept very busy! I am glad that our Programme Manager returned this week, as I have been doing his job as well as my own for the last 6 weeks!

I have now had 3 days off sick this week - I don't know if these facts are related...

Monday, October 17


I always do at least one post about the Jacaranda tree each year. It is stunningly beautiful and now the leaves are falling off we have a beautiful purple trampoline and a purple path.The middle two photos are not mine, but they give you a better impression of how beautiful this tree is than any photo I have.

Friday, October 14

Bits and pieces of news

Well not much to report here. Daniel is busy as he has been covering for the country director for the last 6 weeks. There have been a few ups and downs and a few midnight calls to tell us that the hanger alarm has gone off, but apart from that it has passed relatively smoothly. Next week he will hand over again and will go back to his normal job.

The children all seem to be well. Next week is the half term break which we will spend here. For me it will just be a relief not to do so much driving. It has been normally crazy here traffic wise this week. I have only driven on the pavement a couple of times and was scraped by a large 4x4 once. On our road they have been cutting down all the trees to make pavements. This is to improve road safety. However, now the pavements have finished they have covered them with bolders to prevent vehicles using them as extra lanes. This makes walking on them much more difficult especially if you have a buggy as my friend discovered.I should also point out that although the pavements are finished there are still a number of trees that haven't been cut down in the middle of the new pavements. I know this because all the trees due for the chop have big white crosses on them. The question is, have they changed their minds about the trees or are they, haveing finished the pavements going to cut the trees down? We will see.

Monday, October 3

Our garden

My mum suggested I do a blog about the flowers in our garden, so here it is! I can take no credit for any of this,(well maybe Bethany) but I do enjoy it!