The End
Well, our African journey is over (at least for the time being!) and our Australian journey has begun. Join us here, if you want to come along.
...of Daniel, Libby, Joshua, Bethany, Caleb and Ruben Simkins
Well, our African journey is over (at least for the time being!) and our Australian journey has begun. Join us here, if you want to come along.
It's a funny old business - this 'leaving your life behind'. In many ways (although I cannot confirm from experience!) I think it must be a bit like dying. Although you know you're going to a better place, it is sad to leave everything familiar - your house, work and friends - in the knowledge that everything will carry on as before, just without you.
After various ummings and ahings, and 'ouches' over the cost, we have decided that we will try and minimise what we ship to Australia. This gives us the interesting challenge of deciding what to keep and what to sell. We have had several sale lists go out, and one yard sale, and we have pretty much got rid of most things we wanted to. The only major things left are one of our sofas, and the car! (Priced to high - will be exploring other avenues...). Also our piano, but until I am able to get this fixed, it will be a hard (and unprofitable) sell. Unfortunately the process of trying to get it fixed (again) is proving very African :(
We are moved firmly into 'the lasts' stage of transition. As in "This is the last time I/we will....".
I am happy to report that as of 8.30 this morning (Kenyan time) we have permission to enter Australia. We have been granted permanent residency, for 5 years (go figure...)
We have, in the last week, finally completed the medical processes for our Australian visas. It took 4 trips to the other side of Nairobi (probably a 30-40km round trip each time) to satisfy all the various requirements.